Saturday, June 5, 2010

Remembering Marty

Today was the first anniversary of Marty's death. We all went to her gravesite in the morning. Steve bought several dozen roses and we laid them on her grave. I was reminded of my first time in Africa and Marty had gone out and bought roses and placed them in our rooms to welcome us to Africa. A few tears were shed as we remembered her life and legacy. Her grave is on some land that Peter owns. He and his daughter came with us. Her name is Rachel Marty (named after Marty and her daughter Rachel). He explained to us how difficult it was for his daughter when Marty (whom she regarded as her grandmother) passed away. Her own mother had died just a year and a half before Marty's passing. So at the young age of 5, she has already lost two dearly loved people. Marty's body lies next to Cecilia, Peter's wife. We comforted ourselves with the knowledge that she was in heaven, and that she had fought the good fight.
We also got the chance to meet some of Peter's family, including his father.

Later, we went to the grocery store and did some shopping. We stopped at the coffee house to buy some coffee, but they didn't have the kind that Steve recommended, so we plan on going back there on Monday. We also got some gelato which was delicious. We had such yummy flavors as vanilla, double chocolate chip, mango, coconut, and coffee. It was delicious!

Later we came back to the house with some new tennis balls for Sheila, the dog. We grilled some hamburgers on the grill and ate dinner and then after devotions watched a movie.

Tomorrow is church in Ngaranero at Peter's church. Vernie, Carol, and Tina are going to teach the children and Stan, Ricky, and Connie are going to do some preaching. Please pray that we are effective in our teaching and that the Spirit of God anoints us all as we share with the Tanzanians.

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