Saturday, May 8, 2010

18 days and counting. . .


I still remember when I went on my first short-term missions trip, and someone called me a "missionary" for the first time. And I thought, NO, NOT ME!! Missionaries are those noble, self-sacrificing, super-spiritual people, I thought to myself. But later, gradually, I realized that I was indeed a "missionary," albeit a short-term one, but a missionary nonetheless. Attending a missions banquet once, a man handed me his business card. His title was "Missions Enthusiast." And I thought to myself, that's what I am, a "Missions Enthusiast." So to all the members of our team, no matter what we call ourselves, we are meeting the definition below:

"A missionary is a person who, in response to God's call and gifting, leaves his or her comfort zone and crosses cultural, geographic or other barriers to proclaim the gospel and live out a Christian witness in obedience to the Great Commission."

— Definition adopted by the International and North American Mission Boards in 2000.

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